You are Love
It is my fifty-eighth day in a row for this blog. I love doing it and it is a challenge to come up with something new each day.
Decades ago I would prepare for a sermon and I would quietly whisper to God “what do you want me to say?” I would always hear”simply tell them I love them”. And nothing much has changed in the last fifty years.
Not only are you loved but you are love itself! I know I say this often. There is nothing you need to do to be more spiritual. You are already perfect just the way you are. I guess I will keep repeating this until we all get it. And you can help by reminding everyone you know that they are love and loved!
We sometimes make life way too complicated by all the ideas we have. When all we have to do is remember that we have always been and we will always be the eternal loving energy of Oneness. Give yourself a hug! From my heart to yours, Thomas